Tips in Perfect Bound Book Printing

Tips in Perfect Bound Book Printing

To print perfect bound books, you must make them look their best. These include page size and spine width, stitching press signatures into the text block, and how to shrink-wrap a perfect bound book. These tips will make the printing process smoother.

Page size

When printing a perfect bound book, you should choose a page size that matches the size of the book. You can select page size from a drop-down menu. There are two options for paper size: portrait or landscape.

Choose the portrait option if your book is meant to be an artwork publication. You can also choose column structure, which refers to the amount of space between columns.

For example, if you print one large image, you should select “no gutter” for the column that covers the other two pages.

The page size of a perfect bound book should be between 60 and 70 ppi. It would be best if you also kept in mind the thickness of the spine, which can be as much as 2 inches.

A minimum number of pages is eight, which includes the cover, four inside pages, and the spine. However, a perfect bound book can be printed with a higher page count, though you need to be careful not to open the book too far because you could damage the spine. Similarly, if your book is too small, there may be insufficient margins to accommodate all the pages.

Ensure that the margins are significant, especially on the spine. A margin of one-eighth or quarter inch is too small. Even though it may not seem like much, a small margin will cause text to be pushed to the bottom or top of the book, especially true if the text is critical.

Spine width

The spine width is an essential factor in perfect bound book printing. The width of a book’s spine depends on how many pages and the type of paper.

A calculator can help you estimate the width of your book’s spine based on these factors. The width of the spine is also used to estimate the number of pages per carton and shipping costs.

For perfect bound book printing, you must submit two files: one for the cover and another for the spine. The spine width depends on how many pages your book has and how thick you want the spine to be.

A thicker spine can wrap around more pages. You must also supply all text pages as single, with crop marks and 3mm bleed on each side.

The spine width is essential, as the spine is attached to the center of the front and back cover spreads. If the spine is not the same size as the cover, the printer can trim the spread to fit the spine width.

Stitching press signatures into a text block

There are several ways to stitch press signatures into a text block. A simple method is to use a sewing needle. A minimum of three inches of thread should remain between the needle and the center of the signature as you pull the thread through.

Make sure that the thread is not knotted before sewing and that you pull it parallel to the spine. Pulling the thread perpendicular to the spine can tear the pages.

Usually, two or more sheets are folded into a block. This block is then stitched by a machine using Smyth Sewing. In the past, the spine of the text block and cover are separate pieces. However, the process has evolved to separate the two.

Shrink-wrapping perfect-bound books

Shrink-wrapping perfect-bound books is a great way to protect their covers and prevent them from moving during shipment. Local printing companies do not need to worry about shrink-wrapping their books, but online printers do. Shrink-wrapping prevents damage during shipping and storage.

Perfect-bound books are a popular choice for professional publishing and are easy to wrap and ship. They feature a flat spine and are typically used for organizational manuals, business manuals, and catalogs. Shrink-wrapping protects them from damage during shipping and gives the books a professional finish.

When shrink-wrapping perfect bound books, be sure to follow the book’s specifications. Smaller-page count signs stick to more significant signs due to static electricity, which can lead to extra spoilage and longer inspection times. Also, ensure that text sheets are clear of ink up to three-quarters of an inch from the spine fold.

In addition, all text sheets should be free of ink until 3/16″ from the spine edge. You will also need to print sig markers on the spine fold. In addition, each text size will have additional head-foot trims and glue traps.

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